Earlier this year Leo Stiles of Triplezed was lucky enough to collaborate with one of his favourite artists (Mint Condition frontman) Stokley Williams, to create 2 pairs of unique shoes, with input from both artists on the project. (peep the project here) Being a long time soul music fan, that alone was a dream come true, but to see Stokley perform on stage at this years "Soul Train" Awards rocking the Triplezed Custom Adidas was out of this world! |
Click here to see Stokley & Wale's performance at this years Soul Train Awards. Courtesy of BET.
In Run Dmc voice:
"My A-didas rocked on the Soultrain Awards stage, by Stokley Williams performing along side Wale!"
"My A-didas rocked on the Soultrain Awards stage, by Stokley Williams performing along side Wale!"